Human Aura and its Layers

Aura layers

The first law of thermodynamics speaks about the principle of energy conservation. During any interaction between the system and its environment, the amount of energy gained in the system must be exactly equal to the amount of energy lost by the environment. Energy is indestructible, it can only pass from one form to another.

Since all bodies interact with each other, it happens that in some places, or surrounded by some things or people, we feel comfortable or not.

The aura is that part of the universal energy field that is associated with objects.

The human aura can be described as a radiant body that surrounds and permeates the physical body. The aura has several layers, which we will call bodies. The bodies wrapped around each other. Of these layers as well as the main energy centers in the body, the chakra has seven. Each of these layers is connected to a corresponding energy center, the chakra.

We know about the five senses: touch, hearing, smell, taste, and sight. All these senses are connected with the chakras. The first chakra is in charge of touch, the throat is for hearing, smell and taste, and the sixth (third eye) is for sight. The functions of the chakras are to revive the physical and auric body, to contribute to the development of self-awareness, and to transfer energy between the auric layers.

Layers of aura

The first layer – the Etheric body

The etheric body is of the same structure as the physical body, including all the organs and anatomies of our body. The etheric body is the state between energy and matter. The material body is formed towards the etheric body, so that first the tissue is formed towards the energy body which further projects the shape of the physical body. The etheric body expands by 3-5 cm and pulsates 15-20 cycles per minute. The color of the etheric body varies from gray to light blue. The more sensitive people will have the first layer more bluish, and the less sensitive will tend more to the gray color of the etheric body.

Second layer – Emotional body

Each subsequent layer of the aura is finer than the previous one. The emotional layer is related to feelings. This body only follows the contours of the physical body. It looks cloudy and spreads 7-8 cm from the body. The colors of the emotional body vary from clear tones to dark blurred, depending on our feelings, whether they are clear or confused, stronger or weaker. The emotional body contains the full spectrum of rainbow colors.

Third layer – Mental body

The mental body is yellow. When only in some intellectual process, the mental body expands and becomes brighter. It is 7-20 cm away from the physical body. The clearer our ideas and thoughts, the clearer the color of the mental body.

The first three layers are called lower layers, each higher layer than the third is a higher level.

Fourth layer – Astral body

The astral body is amorphous and we see it as a pink cloud. The heart chakra is connected to this layer. In a person in love, the heart chakra is full of pink light. The astral body expands 15-30 cm from the physical body.

Fifth layer – Essential mold

We call this layer the mold because it contains all the shapes that exist on the physical plane of the body that carries it in the form of a copy. As a negative of photography. The etheric mold is located 30 -45 or 60 cm from the physical body. The etheric mold is the support of the etheric body to fight against diseases, to regain its original shape. In the fifth layer, sound affects matter.

Sixth level – Celestial body

The celestial body is the emotional level of the spiritual plane. It is located 60-80 cm from the body. Spiritual ecstasy is experienced in the celestial body. We can reach that state through meditation, prayer, and our work on ourselves, that is. spiritual development. Only when we understand and experience our connection with the entire universe and see the light and love in all that exists, will we be able to reach our heavenly body.

Seventh layer – Keteric mold

This is the mental layer of the spiritual plan. It is located 75-105 cm from the physical body. We will see and experience the Keteric mold only when we come to oneness with God.

All the layers of the aura are seen from the outside, seen or found in the shape of an egg, intertwined with thin threads of golden-silver light. That shell also contains information and belts of our past lives, if they were allowed by God’s permission.

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