Energy Activation and Crystal Programming

Energy Activation and Crystal Programming

Everything is energy, even matter itself is very densely concentrated energy in specific shapes. Behind all this creation, both from the aspect of matter and spiritual energy stands intelligent creation.

Everything that we can see, touch, and feel, and what we cannot comprehend but exist in other different dimensions, is an energy that carries supreme intelligence. In order to create something, there must be a thought, transforming into an idea that consequently leads to creation, in essence, our universe is a creation of someone’s thoughts and ideas.

If all creation originates from superior intelligence and consciousness, then it is logical to consider that consciousness and intelligence are intertwined throughout creation as it is our universe. Crystals represent a significant fragment of the “puzzle” or an essential part of the creation of planet earth.

Millions and even billions of years old, crystals contain information, representing a unique kind of “hard disks” as an essential part of their “motherboard” or the planet Earth itself.

With the energetic activation of the crystals, their eons-old stored information from the ancient creation merging into circulation, or in other words, they come to life and become available for use and utilization with one sublime purpose, helping humanity!

In essence, there are two ways in which the crystal healer collaborates with specifically selected crystals, each way has a specific purpose and the way in which they interact with the wearer.

There are represented various crystals including their spectrum of colors, with this are defined the nature of crystal how it works and for which purpose can be used.

Energy Activation

The basic procedure already mentioned before is the energy activation of the crystals, where the stored information that carries its own ancient intelligence gets conscious will after energy activation.

Programming of the crystal

The second consecutive way is the programming of the crystal itself, where directing and conscious correspondence of the energy from the crystal with the person to whom it helps. With this, is reached maximum symbiosis achieved between the two techniques, which crystals get on superior effect.


We often know to admire crystals, they are beautiful and refined in their shapes and colors, but if they are not energetically activated and programmed, they represent no more than one beautiful specimen sample in our collections.

Each Programming is unique contains information and direction on how the crystal works in a certain time interval. While the energy activation is done once it lasts for a lifetime, it works all the way when the crystal is physically in presence of the person who uses it.

Programming always can be updated at certain time intervals depending on the current needs of the person who carries the crystal.

During the Awakening of humanity, crystals represent one of the leading media that helps to a faster ascension and raise full awareness on a global level, in planet transit to the higher spheres and dimensions of existence.

The main goal is to higher up vibrations of the planet earth and transmits universal teaching, which represents unconditional love, as the main goal in the learning of higher spheres of existence.

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